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LAZAIR D-CELLS Now Available for Limited time BRAND NEW

Lazair Ultralight Dale Kramer Skystar FILES, Bulletins and service letters HERE

Excellent Movies  -- Of course FREE to DOWNLOAD   

How to take good Aviation Photos?   Start Here

Aviation Radio  - Kitfox for sale - Cessna for sale

New Movie  Old Lazair Flick- From Steve Robards ( with  thanks !!)FREE Airplane Ads     -challenger- piper Cessna - Kitfox

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Lazair on  Floats  Free Aviation movies


Excellent Lazair Aviation Websites
Lazair Forum
Lazair Forum on Yahoo
Kitfox Forum
Airplane Free Classifieds
Freedom Airtec
Bob Comperini
Toronto Museum
Fatal Accident
Fiberglass Tips
Dale Kramer
Thirty Thousand Feet - Aviation Directory



Ultralight News - AVIATION  -  Aviation sources 

Lazair Number 1 Selling Ultralight in Canada of March 2004

Who Has the Best selling Ultralight ?

Lazair trivia contest 

New Accident report From Transport Canada





We will try to keep the most current Ultralight News available to you.  The Ultralight pilots demand the best. For Current Aviation News click HERE

Lazair - 25 years now and still going after Dale Kramer and Peter Corley started to build the Lazair ultralight. 

The Lazair has become to pilot and builders one of the safest ultralights ever built 

and a track record to prove it. The integrity of the Lazair ultralight is far superb from many ultralights of it's era and possibly one of  

the best still around today.  There are still many  Lazair microlights flying all over the world  and plenty sitting idle in barns 

and hangars waiting for ultralight pilots and builders  to find them. There are a few of us that have been around since the Early 

days of the Lazair and still very active. With a plentitude of knowledge, all of us Lazair pilots and builders should be able to 

use our tips to help one another .  A message forum is set up here Forum  To help each other share among

the pilot and builders  tips for all Lazair Series.  Mix together Tedlar, dacron, 2024, 6061, a couple of Rotax  185

 and some work make the  Lazair  a true  delight to fly and you part 

of the Classic Lazair Twin era making you feel like a true pioneer of flight. 

Lazair  forum  on yahoo   has been started and there isa Real sweet forumn at the official Lazair site here .

A special thank you to all that have shared the info on the various aviation sites that pertain to  the Lazair and the ones 

who have sent in help and files to us.  Hopefully we can collaborate together to provide a superb collection of Lazair information . 

If anyone has further info they want to share or have hosted here (ie Files, photos etc )  Please drop us a note.


A couple of   Lazairs Sent in From Canada  - Free movies,  

One Seater         Two seater Take off

  Cessna,  Piper  Aviation  coming soon

Kitfox Details at lazair forum 

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