Yeah, Chappy, it's unbelievable just how busy I have been. When I decided to take on this project I had no idea how much time and work was involved. I started this thing back in July of last year and I have worked 4 to 6 hours a day Saturday and Sunday every week end except for three. No exageration. I know all you out there are thinking that this is impossible to spend that much time on such a project. I will admit that I am slow (more ways than one) but I swear, I was doing something constructive the whole time, not just standing and admiring the shinny new bolt I just put on.
Thanks for sharing that aileron story with me. That makes me feel a whole lot better. Kinda of humerous too. I did not know that the next models of the plane came with pinned aileron hinge bolts so it's kinda coinsidental because that was one of the changes that I happen to make on mine. I agree about the small ruddervator pushrods even though there is very little pressure put on them. Nothing compared to the ailerons. I plan on replacing them with the larger tubes some time in the future. I did make an improvement to eleveate the wear problem however.
Up, up and away,