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Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:39 am
by peter
Here's the bargain of the week....Dale George's exellent ser. 3 Totally rebuilt engines in a Rotax shop, just installed.... exellent tedlar, good airframe and p-tip props!!!!! ....wish I had a spare 3 grand...I'd fly it home tomorrow....This plane is way underpriced ... 5fAircraft
Talked to Dale yesterday....He's not too happy about selling this toy
SOLD 6-15-10 $5100

Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:04 am
by Don
Looks like Dale has a fair amount of interest in his Series III, and might generate a price more appropreate for what a nice Lazair is worth. The worldwide shipping opens up a lot of possibilies for others who've "caught the bug" to enjoy the Lazair experience. Good luck Dale.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:04 pm
by Shannon
You should pick it up Pete. Lets look at this objectively. Carbon Fiber P-tips $700 (plus shipping), "New" covering/tapes/labour $1000, Rebuilt engines $300-500 ea., CDI's $300+ ea. US, Carb $75ea. Fuel lines, wires, seat belt, tank, ect $200 plus any spare parts or included instruments. This basically equates to a FREE no damage history hangar-stored Lazair airframe to go along with all the new stuff. This Lazair has a value of approx. $6000+ (US) in my opinion.

Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:21 pm
by peter
I know I should buy it Shannon...if for no other reason than to trade off the's only a an hour and twenty min. away from my strip too...I've flown there and back for his last two Lazair flyins....I'd have two really good planes it's awfully tempting.......I'd have to resell Dale's, but it should still bring over 3 grand.....You are certainly correct about the pricing of these planes....
I'm picking up a pair of CNC'd hubs tomorrow to install the Clark props on the clones....I'm reasonably sure they will give me the performance of the rotax's....I'll keep you all informed...............cheers......Pete

Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:38 am
by Shannon
I'd expect the price to go pretty high. This plane is not a fixer-upper like many which are worth something in 3K range.

Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:32 pm
by yankeflyer
Wow what a find - what a toy to have to give up, hope my tax rebate check doesn`t come tomorrow. Somebodys going to be happy this time tomorrow.

Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:14 pm
by yankeflyer
Well done - I watch the ebay ultralight market everyday - this sale was a market high and still an enviable price for the plane if there are anymore out there.