Two (2) lazair 2-seater projects for sale?

Hi Everyone
Time to become a realist - chances of me rebuilding my 2-seaters are pretty slim in the next few years. Anybody want to take on the projects?
can come with engines ready to go, props, spare engines, floats, tedlar, tapes, or as more or as little as you want.
make an offer on one or both! both of them are 99% complete, you might have to make a few new tubes and repair wing ribs before you cover, but all major components are there and in good shape. count on replacing a lot of bolts and rod ends, new fuel tanks and all new fuel and control lines. neither of them are crashed damaged, one wing has a few ribs broken.
can deliver for cost of return trip fuel! drop me a line and we can chat.
Time to become a realist - chances of me rebuilding my 2-seaters are pretty slim in the next few years. Anybody want to take on the projects?
can come with engines ready to go, props, spare engines, floats, tedlar, tapes, or as more or as little as you want.
make an offer on one or both! both of them are 99% complete, you might have to make a few new tubes and repair wing ribs before you cover, but all major components are there and in good shape. count on replacing a lot of bolts and rod ends, new fuel tanks and all new fuel and control lines. neither of them are crashed damaged, one wing has a few ribs broken.
can deliver for cost of return trip fuel! drop me a line and we can chat.