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Postby BlackRain » Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:47 am

Here are some pics of my soon to be new ultralight and winter project. I will post up some better pics once it is moved into it's new home and cleaned up a bit.






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Postby JPXman » Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:23 am

that is too much - that is my friend peter thissen's old plane! check out the P T on the rudder pedals. can you get me a close up of that data plate on the end of the main fuselage boom tube?

that lazair has been handed around for at least 15 years now!
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Postby BlackRain » Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:43 am

Yea his name is on the data plate on the tail... I gave him a call the other day and spoke with him about the history of it. He told me quite a bit about the history of it, I was happy to hear that the engines only had 2 hrs of bench time on them since it was put away then sold to a friend of his. They will still need to be gone over and the carbs redone but in great shape overall. I invited him over to come take a look once I get it on the trailer and back to the house, very nice guy. I tried to take a picture of the data plate but the flash keeps obscuring the information.
BlackRain Member
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