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Lazair.com • View topic - Meadowlark


Lets see who know what

Postby JPXman » Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:15 am

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Postby Chappy » Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:02 pm

Look what Google kicked up tonight. Now you too can own a beautifull set of Lazair wings attached to an ordinary (to me, I'm sorry, ugly) UL airframe. At least this one is painted red. Everyone I've seen was black:

Meadowlark Ultralight - $6000 (McKean, Pa.)

Date: 2010-03-19, 2:12PM EDT
Reply to: sale-zkrcc-1651592629@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


When you fly a Meadowlark the fun has just begun. The fly anywhere ultralight is everything you need to fulfill your flying dreams. This safe form of air recreation is the ultimate in a family fun machine. A full conventional three axis control system makes the Meadowlark a suberb ultralight. The elevator and ailerons are stick controlled through a system of push/pull rods for quick, positive response. The rudder is activated with rudder pedals. The Meadowlark comes fully constructed. You go from "broke down" transport form to flying in thiry minutes or less. The Meadowlark requires a seventy five foot run to become airborne. Take off and enjoy a superb 1000- FPM climb out. Level off and cruise at a swift 45 mph with excellent handling characteristics. Enjoy hours of comfortable flying in the fully padded seat. Slow to a controllabe and stable 28 mph and take in the amazing view. Stalls are straight forward and almost non-resistant. Once back to the surface the Meadowlark disassembles for transport easily to your home ready for tomorrow and the next air-borne adventure. Rotax 447,EGT,CHT,Tack BRS. Chute, GSC Prop, Serial #18, Red airframe & clear mylar. NDH Phone - 814-838-3655 to ask more question or for an appointment to see it in person. :-) McKean, Pa.
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Postby JPXman » Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:48 pm

flying is still flying i suppose!
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Postby Shannon » Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:44 pm

The one I saw at Sun and Fun (84' ?) flew awful and I watched it crash on floats. The guy stalled it a few feet off the water and it smacked in. It then bounced back up dropped a wing and broke over hard left onto the bank. Wiped out the wings and it very nearly hit several people. They screwed up the wings when they removed the wingtips and I think they also removed all the washout. The plane was fairly fast with the large single engine but you could literally see that it just didn't fly right. At high speed the plane would "tail walk" and yaw back and fourth left and right.
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Postby JPXman » Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:24 am

"family fun machine". like lawn darts.
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Postby Chappy » Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:25 pm

They brought several one year, Shannon, and I remember they broke all of them to some degree by the end of the show! I remember them flying in and out of the Sun n' Fun Ultralight "ditch" on floats too.

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