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Postby peter » Sun May 23, 2010 10:08 pm

Hi Guys....Here's what the motors sound like on a circuit round my farm...
http://www.youtube.com/user/Everhill69# ... yE8U-2oGeM
Got in several flights today for 1hr50min total....Thought I had the engine hesitation problem solved but apparently not....I'm thinking I might have to install two small tanks fed by the fuel pumps, with returns to the main tank...the carbs would then be gravity fed.....or maybe just put on the Tillotson carbs off the rotax's?....Simpler and eliminate the mikuni pumps altogether....perhaps
Funny thing, the motors run strong and steady, and then every now and then one or the other will give a slight hesitation, and drop a couple of hundred rpm, and immediatly pick it back up....Anyway I'll keep playing with them, and if I can't find the cause I'll have to try something different ..It's way too hard on my heart the way it is.
The plane flys a lot better now with the seat back, but I'm sure dissapointed in the climb rate....those ptip props are looking better all the time.
Cheers .........Pete
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Postby Shannon » Mon May 24, 2010 8:39 am

Hi Pete,

Like you I wouldn't be happy at all about the Clones doing "mysterious little things" on occasion. I wouldn't trust the engines any farther than I could throw them and would "Hang High" during test flights.

If it were my project I'd definitely be thinking of internal upgrade and a different carb set-up. You may have reached the point where you try these changes or simply abandon the project all together.

If you were to try P-tips you wouldn't be out anything as obviously they can go on the 185s. In fact I'd put the P-tips and 185s back on the plane while upgrading and doing initial bench testing with the GSC's. This way you will not miss all the good summer flying.

P.S. If your videos are posted on You Tube without the Keyword "Lazair" in the video description they are hard to find. When you do a video search for "Lazair" the new videos do not come up in the search list.
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Postby JPXman » Mon May 24, 2010 8:56 pm

sounds like a racecar - i like it :)
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Postby yankeflyer » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:20 am

Might get a chance to practice your engine out landing skills -
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